Which Lives Matter? / Monti Washington

“WHICH LIVES MATTER” is an intense, inclusive, educational program, intended to build bridges, not walls. Speaker, poet, and activist Monti Washington helps students explore the history, conditioning, stereotypes, and racism that separates and divides our community and nation. He addresses the issues from a social media and social justice perspective.
With spoken word poetry, personal stories, and social media examples, students will learn how they can make a difference on their campus and in their community. By the conclusion of this lecture, students will see that their voices matter, their opinions matter, and most importantly, that “ALL THEIR LIVES MATTER”.
Monti has spoken all over the country at colleges, conferences, and trainings. He is an actor currently starring in Tyler Perry’s “BRUH”, a published author and award winning spoken word poet. Monti’s passion for helping students stems from the adversity he faced early on in life. Forced to live in poverty due to his mother’s drug addiction, Monti grew up sleeping on cardboard boxes, living in parks, and being abused by foster parent after foster parent. Until 8th grade Monti was in special Ed. classes and was held back on two separate occasions. Despite this adversity, Monti went on to obtain two college degrees, become a state basketball champion, award winning poet, Mcdonalds All- American nominee, nationally recognized actor, and co-founder of Truality.org, a non-profit organization aimed at inspiring youth to be TRU The Real U.
Virtual program:
Monti was absolutely amazing; I couldn’t be happier with how it went! Thank you for being so easy to work with while planning this out. I’ll be sure to keep your contact information for any other possible future programs.
Monti’s program went really well! He was so easy to work with and the program he put on was very well received. We had 97 participants and people expressed how much they enjoyed the interactivity that Monti fostered within the presentation. One person said “Monti was amazing, probably one of my favorite Black History Month programs to date!” I thought that was pretty good feedback!
L. Hudson, Program Manager, Everett CC
The students and the cabbies who were able to come to the event LOVED it. It was interactive, educational, and I highly recommend it to other groups and organizations. Honestly, I’m unable to express into words how much I enjoyed it. It was a pleasure working with you both.
Melissa O., Multicultural Chair, U of LaVerne, CA
I wanted to send a heart-felt ‘Thank You’ for your work yesterday. It was encouraging to see the students engaged in this virtual environment. (I enjoyed it as well!) 🙂
Vicki W., Madison College
Monti put on a wonderful program and the students at Illinois College really enjoyed his message. Monti really did well with making everyone feel included even though we had a big crowd for the performance. Monti’s message was one that was greatly needed on our campus and I think the students learned a lot.
Ashley H. Illinois College
Category : Artist with multiple talks &Blog &Diversity and Multicultural &Monti Washington &Orientation &Social Justice &Speakers