Diversity University / Monti Washington

Beginning at a very young age, Monti had every excuse in the world to give up and be unsuccessful. From broken homes, poverty, abuse and foster care, he could have easily fallen under the radar.
Using slam poetry and role-playing, there has never been a more powerful young speaker who can connect with and inspire your students. He covers all the layers of diversity, including gender, race, sexuality, physical disabilities, socioeconomic circumstances, and more.
Monti is a living example that, if you are real to yourself, then anything is truly possible! And as soon as you make up your mind to do so, you too, will be UNSTOPPABLE!
The program can be done from a remote location virtually or live. In addition to his Virtual live program, he will have a live Q&A through Instagram to allow students to ask more personal questions and to gain clarity on anything they may need elaboration on.
His program will consist of sharing his personal experience dealing with racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia and current divisive issues in the world today. He will break down basic ideas/behaviors/beliefs that are the foundation for such issues. Micro aggressions, implicit bias, and systemic issues will also be touched on to give students a full understanding as to why things are the way they are and WHAT PART THEY CAN DO TO MAKE A CHANGE.
Through interactive participation activities, Spoken Word Poetry, and a live Q&A, Monti’s program strives to be as engaging and interactive as a virtual program can be!
Monti Washington
Professional actor and award winning spoken word poet, Monti Washington, epitomizes TRU talent and perseverance. After growing up abused and in and out of foster care, without a father or a home, Monti continued to inspire and shock the world with his ability to conquer all odds against him and inspire all of those around him in the process.
With over 8 years of professional experience working with youth, Monti has encouraged thousands of individuals to believe in themselves and create positive change in their lives. He uses his natural ability to connect with his audience through his powerful keynote assemblies, one on one mentorship programs, as well as his life changing personal development techniques to instill lasting success for both students and adults.
Whether you are looking to improve your live, build more meaningful relationships or conquer your wildest dreams, Monti Washington’s “Success No Matter What” theory is guaranteed to guide you each step of the way.
The Diversity University presentation was phenomenal. Monti has clearly perfected the virtual presentation. Our students loved it. He also did a great job of engaging participants through the chat box.
Shelly M. Director of Leadership, & Student Engagement, St. Saint Norbert College, WI
We have had Diversity University at our campus multiple times. I have seen this program about 4-5 times as both a student and professional staff member. This year due to COVID-19 we had Diversity University virtually. Monti delivered a performance that left our students wanting more. He created a highly energetic and engaging atmosphere, which is a challenge virtually. Monti is a natural. I call him my home run hitter, because whenever we pitch him the ball, he knocks it right out of the park. I highly recommend Diversity University; it is the program our students need nationwide.
Charles N. Student Activities Coordinator, Penn State, Abington
The video was awesome and having Monti stay on the Zoom call following the video was a great way to keep students connected.
Thank you for all of your help and a huge thank you to Monti!
Samantha B., Activities & Spirit Coordinator, Campus Involvement Center
Mercyhurst College
It was great – but Monti is always amazing!
Stefanie K, Assistant Dean for Student Transitions
Salisbury University
Live Reviews:
All of the speakers were amazing! Hands down, the students absolutely loved Monti. I even had some students step out of the room to cry! That is how intense it was! The program was so amazing! We will definitely be working with you in the future. All of the external schools were talking about bringing him to their schools so that was pretty cool. Thanks for everything, Jayne. I could not have done it without you.
Rachel, Assistant Director, Student Activities
Sam Houston University
Monti was awesome, even better than last year if that is possible! He had students and staff, laughing and crying, but mostly relating, feeling, and understanding. His energy even increased during the second presentation. I’m not sure how he does it!
Thank you for everything,
Tim, Director, Student Activities
College of NJ
Diversity University was so relevant, fresh, and modern that it was enjoyable, moving, and touching. I have worked for the orientation office for the last four years and this was by far one of our favorite speakers on this topic. Monti had a way to captivate the audience but entertain at the same time. It was very enjoyable.
He was really awesome to work with as well, we had a few technical issues and he was so professional and understanding.
Thank you for your wonderful thoughts and feelings. You truly impacted “Southern Utah University Class of 2019”.
Southern Utah University
Students and staff alike both enjoyed and benefited from Monti’s personal sharing. His program was engaging and a little heart breaking at times for many. Although we have not had our evaluation wrap-up meeting I suspect there will be much discussion regarding wanting to bring him back next year. I hope Monti enjoyed his time at TCNJ as much as we enjoyed having him visit. Thank you for all of your assistance on making this program happen. Everyone could not have been easier to work with which is immensely appreciated.
College of NJ
We had a fantastic program with Monti. The room was full and the energy was amazing. He was the perfect wrap up to a long weekend of sessions for our new students. The students had all good things to say!
Tricia G.
Salisbury U
The program went great. As expected, Monti was upbeat, friendly, and energetic. He delivered his message to the students with passion and professionalism. We all enjoyed the program. Thank you so much for helping us make it happen.
Andy H
Penn State
Last night was AMAZING! The conversation and vibe was great. Most, if not all of them, stayed after for a photo or to chat some more with Monti . We want to bring him back next year for our Extended Orientation weekend.
Josh, Texas A & M
Category : Artist with multiple talks &Diversity and Multicultural &Leadership, Success & Motivational &Monti Washington &Orientation &Speakers