Heterosexism & Cissexism / Warren Blumenfeld
This one-of-a-kind program offers a unique approach to issues surrounding sexual identity, gender identity, and expression.
Warren J. BLUMENFELD discusses how the fight to end heterosexism and cissexism is everyone’s fight if we are to bring about a less oppressive and more productive society for all.
He invites heterosexual males and females, lesbians, gay males, bisexuals, pansexuals, asexuals, intersex, and transgender people to become allies as we explore the cost of heterosexism and cissexism in social policy, family relationships, religious institutions, education, and many other aspects of our lives.
Warren J. Blumenfeld, Ed.D., is former Associate Professor in the School of Education at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa specializing in Multicultural and International Curriculum Studies and Queer Studies. He now resides in western Massachusetts.
He is author of Warren’s Words: Smart Commentary on Social Justice, a collection of his published editorials, Purple Press, California; Editor of Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price, an anthology for Beacon Press, Boston, which is based on the premise that homophobia not only oppresses lesbians, gay males, bisexuals, and transgender people, but also hurts heterosexuals on many levels; Co-author, with Diane Raymond, of Looking at Gay and Lesbian Life, Beacon Press, Boston, a 416-page text on the gay and lesbian experience; Co-editor of Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: An Anthology on Racism, Classism, Religious Oppression, Sexism, Heterosexism, Transgender Oppression, Ableism, Adultism, and Ageism for Routledge, New York; Co-editor with Margaret Soenser Breen of Butler Matters: Judith Butler’s Impact on Feminist and Queer Studies, London: Ashgate; Author of AIDS and Your Religious Community: A Hands-On Guide for Local Programs, Unitarian Universalist Press, Boston; Principal Author of Making Colleges and Universities Safe for Gay and Lesbian Students: Report and Recommendations of the Massachusetts Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth; and Co-author with Laurie Lindop of Gay/Straight Alliances: A Student Guide, for the Massachusetts Department of Education’s Safe Schools Program for Gay and Lesbian Students.
He currently serves as an Editorial Blogger for The Huffington Post and The Good Men Project. He is also former Editor of the scholarly quarterly International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies, Kluwer Academic / Human Sciences Press, New York.
In addition, he is Co-producer of the documentary film “Pink Triangles,” Cambridge Documentary Films, a film study on the topic of homophobia.
He is a Diversity Workshop Facilitator for educational, business, religious, community, and government organizations; and former teacher at Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, Massachusetts. He founded and was the first Director of the National Gay Student Center, a project of the National Student Association, Washington, D.C. The organization exists today as the National Queer Student Coalition of the United States Student Association.
He received his Doctoral degree in the Social Justice Education Program, Department of Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He holds a Dual Masters Degree in Special Education from Boston College, and a Bachelor’s Degree (Major in Sociology with a Minor in Music) with Secondary School Certification from San José State University.
Thank you for recommending Warren to us! He is a very outgoing and warm person. He handled the controversy well, and remained calm when approached by potentially hot situations. He was a delight to work with and we hated to see him leave. I would recommend Warren to any campus that feels the need to deal with the issue of sexual prejudices.
Lory S., Lecture Chair
Missouri Southern State College
It has been a month since Warren’s presentation and I am still hearing positive comments about his presentation. Homophobia is a hot topic on many campuses, and through his lecture, Warren created an awareness of this type of discrimination. Bringing this program is a positive reflection for our activities board.
Nancy K, Issues & Ideas Coordinator
U WI, Stevens Point
It was incredible!!! He is awesome, a fellow DLP advisor and we just had a blast.
Jesus S, Student
U Texas, El Paso
Category : Artist with multiple talks &Dr. Warren Blumenfeld &Gender Issues &LGBTQ &Speakers